Meta Score FAQ

What is the Meta Score?

The Meta Score is an indicator, for how well an Axie could perform in the arena.

How is the Meta Score calculated?

The score is calculated automatically by a script, which evaluates multiple parameters:

  • Individual card performances based on the Card Tier List:
    • Attack, Defense, Energy cost
    • Additional effects
    • Overall PvP card usage
    • Top 100 PvP card usage
  • Class bonus
  • Combos

How accurate is the Meta Score?

The main goal of the Meta Score is, to make differentiating bad Axies from good Axies easier for beginners. The algorithm grades the Axies by given parameters but we can't guarantee 100% accuracy.
The rating doesn't account some factors that may change the rating of the Axie, for example:

  • Do all moves synergise?
  • Does the Axie play a specific role to fit into a team?
  • Will the Axie fit into YOUR team?

Please do your own reasearch and use this rating in addition only.

How many ranks are there and what do they mean?

There are 6 different ranks.

  • Inferior
    Most of this Axie's cards have a low performance AND are underused in the arena.
    Skip this Axie if you don't know what you are doing.
  • Moderate
    Most of this Axie's cards have a low performance OR are underused in the arena.
  • Average
    This Axie has some good performing OR often used cards.
  • Decent
    This Axie has some good performing AND often used cards.
  • Good
    Most of this Axie's cards have a good performance OR are often used in the arena.
  • Excellent
    Most of this Axie's cards have a good performance AND are often used in the arena.